
class SinglePanelSubContainerController<VM : SinglePanelSubContainerViewModel<P>, P : Panel>(@LayoutRes subContainerLayoutId: Int? = null) : StateDrivenSubContainerController<P?, VM, P>

A panel sub-container controller for visualizing a single panel in a panel container.

For each panel sub-container a layout based on subContainerLayoutId is inflated. If subContainerLayoutId is null then a default FragmentContainerView is used.



The panel sub-container view model type.


The panel type.


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fun SinglePanelSubContainerController(@LayoutRes subContainerLayoutId: Int? = null)


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open override fun createSubContainer(    panelContainer: ViewGroup,     subContainerViewModel: VM,     panelContainerViewModel: PanelContainerViewModel<P?, VM, P>): StateDrivenSubContainerController.SubContainerCreationResult<VM, P>

Creates a new panel sub-container. If getNewSubContainerData returned a non-empty collection, this method is called for each item in the collection.

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open override fun getNewSubContainerData(panelContainerViewModel: PanelContainerViewModel<P?, VM, P>): Collection<P>

Determines if new panel sub-containers should be created, based on panelContainerViewModel.

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open override fun getSubContainerDataUpdates(panelContainerViewModel: PanelContainerViewModel<P?, VM, P>): Collection<StateDrivenSubContainerController.SubContainerDataUpdate<VM, P>>

Updates the panel sub-container data associated to the existing panel sub-container view models.

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open override fun isSubContainerExitAllowed(subContainerViewModel: VM): Boolean

Whether the panel sub-container exit of the given subContainerViewModel is allowed.