
abstract suspend fun startCharging(    chargingStation: ChargingStation,     chargingPointId: ChargingPointId,     serviceIdentifier: EmspIdentifier?)

Called when the user has interacted with the UI to initiate a charging session.



The charging station to use to charge the vehicle.


ID of the selected charger the vehicle is using to start the charging process. The ID must correspond to one of the charging points of the charging specified chargingStation.


Optional identifier to specify which eMSP to use to charge the vehicle. The specified eMSP service must be in the authenticated state (given by emspAuthenticationStatus. If no eMSP identifier is specified and there is only one authenticated eMSP, then that one will be used to start charging the vehicle. If more than one eMSP is authenticated, then the system will select one to to be used for the charging process.