
open class PanelListContainerController<P : Panel>(    adapter: PanelListAdapter<P>,     container: PanelListRecyclerView,     panelData: LiveData<out PanelList<P>>,     panelContext: PanelContext) : PanelContainerController<List<P>, Unit>

A controller that visualises the panels provided by panelData as a list with the given container. This includes triggering animations when panels appear and disappear.

System UI specific details for individual panels can be injected through adapter.


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fun <P : Panel> PanelListContainerController(    adapter: PanelListAdapter<P>,     container: PanelListRecyclerView,     panelData: LiveData<out PanelList<P>>,     panelContext: PanelContext)

Inherited properties

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open val subContainerViewModels: List<Unit>

The panel sub-container view models.

Inherited functions

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fun bind(panelContainerViewContext: PanelContainerViewContext)

Binds this controller to the system UI with the given panelContainerViewContext. A controller may only be bound once and must be unbound through unbind when destroying the controller.

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open override fun toString(): String
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open fun unbind()

Unbinds this controller from the system UI. The controller must have been bound through bind first.