
class PanelListSubContainerController<CD : PanelList<P>, VM : SinglePanelSubContainerViewModel<P>, P : Panel>(@LayoutRes subContainerLayoutId: Int? = null) : RecyclerSubContainerController<CD?, VM, P>

Implementation of a RecyclerSubContainerController for a panel list.

For each panel sub-container a layout based on subContainerLayoutId is inflated. If subContainerLayoutId is null then a default FragmentContainerView is used.



The type of the panel container data that is visualized by the panel container.


The panel sub-container view model type.


The Panel type of the panel sub-container data. The panel is derived from the panel container data.


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fun PanelListSubContainerController(@LayoutRes subContainerLayoutId: Int? = null)


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open override fun areSubContainerDataTheSame(oldSubContainerData: P, newSubContainerData: P): Boolean

Returns true when oldSubContainerData is the same as newSubContainerData.

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open override fun createSubContainer(parent: ViewGroup, subContainerViewModel: VM): RecyclerSubContainerController.SubContainerCreationResult<VM, P>

Creates a panel sub-container. The panel sub-container must have at least one panel fragment container.

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open override fun getSubContainerData(panelContainerData: CD?): List<P>

Returns the data that should be provided to each panel sub-container derived from panelContainerData.