
data class MediaPlaybackTimeInfo(    val duration: Duration? = null,     val position: Duration? = null,     val playbackSpeed: Float = INVALID_PLAYBACK_SPEED,     val lastPositionUpdateTime: Duration = getElapsedTime()) : Parcelable

Information about a media timeline, such as duration, playing position, and playback speed.



Total length of a media item. null if unavailable or infinite, otherwise a positive Duration.


The playback position in the media item. null if unavailable, otherwise a zero or positive Duration.


The speed of playback as a multiple of normal playback. INVALID_PLAYBACK_SPEED when playback is not active (paused, buffering, or idle). When negative, playback is in reverse.


Elapsed real time since boot of the moment when position was last updated. Comparison with this value can be done by converting it to milliseconds and by using getElapsedTime.


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fun MediaPlaybackTimeInfo(    duration: Duration? = null,     position: Duration? = null,     playbackSpeed: Float = INVALID_PLAYBACK_SPEED,     lastPositionUpdateTime: Duration = getElapsedTime())


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object Companion


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val duration: Duration? = null
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val lastPositionUpdateTime: Duration
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val playbackSpeed: Float
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val position: Duration? = null


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fun durationOrZero(): Duration

Returns duration if it has a valid duration (see hasDuration), otherwise returns Duration.ZERO.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Custom equals method returns true if this object's duration, position and speed match those of other.

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fun hasDuration(): Boolean

Returns true if a duration is not null and is greater than 0.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Custom hashCode method needed when customizing equals.

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fun hasPosition(): Boolean

Returns true if a position is not null and is equal or greater than 0.

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fun isPlaying(): Boolean

Returns whether playback is active by looking at the playback speed of a MediaPlaybackTimeInfo.

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fun positionOrZero(): Duration

Returns position if it has a valid position (see hasPosition), otherwise returns Duration.ZERO.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)