
class PlatformContactsHelper(context: Context, account: Account? = Account(ACCOUNT_SOURCE_NAME, ACCOUNT_SOURCE_TYPE))

Util class to add and remove contacts in Android ContactsProvider using a contentResolver. Each contact added to the specified Account. and the Account.type can be used to simulate different source of contact like for example different Bluetooth devices. If account is null the contacts will be added to the phone storage account.

Requires permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS Requires permission android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG


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fun PlatformContactsHelper(context: Context, account: Account? = Account(ACCOUNT_SOURCE_NAME, ACCOUNT_SOURCE_TYPE))


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object Companion
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enum ContactPool : Enum<PlatformContactsHelper.ContactPool>
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interface PlatformContactsHelperEvents : TraceEventListener


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suspend fun addContact(    prefix: String = "",     firstName: String,     middleName: String = "",     lastName: String,     suffix: String = "",     asFavorite: Boolean = false,     typedPhoneNumbers: List<TypedPhoneNumber>,     photo: Bitmap?,     companyName: String?,     addresses: List<TypedAddress>?)

Add a single contact with a name, contact details and a photo. Each TypedPhoneNumber is a pair value (phone number, phone type) with a none blank phone number.

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suspend fun addRecentCallsEntry(typedCall: TypedCall, callTime: Instant)

Add a single call with a name. Each TypedCall is a pair value (phone number, call type) with a none blank phone number.

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suspend fun deleteAllContacts()

Delete all the contacts added by this PlatformContactsHelper with the corresponding and Account.type from ContactsProvider.

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suspend fun deleteRecentCalls()

Delete all the calls added by this PlatformContactsHelper with the corresponding and Account.type from ContactsProvider.

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fun generateBitmapsFromResources(@DrawableRes resourceList: List<Int>): List<Bitmap>

Generate a list of Bitmaps based on a list of drawable resources.

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suspend fun generateRandomContacts(    numberOfContacts: Int,     numberOfPhoneNumbers: Int,     numberOfAddress: Int,     photos: List<Bitmap>?,     asFavorite: Boolean,     contactPools: EnumSet<PlatformContactsHelper.ContactPool> = EnumSet.allOf(,     seed: Random = Random,     onContactGenerated: (Int) -> Unit? = null)

Generate numberOfContacts contacts with a random name. Each contact is generated with numberOfPhoneNumbers random phone number with random phone type.

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suspend fun generateRandomRecentCallsEntry(    minimumTime: Instant,     maximumTime: Instant,     callType: Int,     seed: Random = Random)

Generate a call with random call time between minimumTime, maximumTime time.