
data class VpaAlert(    val alertId: String,     val reason: String?,     val state: VpaAlertState,     val time: String?,     val type: VpaAlertType?,     val label: String?) : Parcelable

Holds information about an alert that has been scheduled through interaction with a VPA. For example, the user might have asked the VPA to schedule an alarm or create a reminder.


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fun VpaAlert(    alertId: String,     reason: String?,     state: VpaAlertState,     time: String?,     type: VpaAlertType?,     label: String?)


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val alertId: String

Unique ID for the alert.

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val label: String?

A description of the alert. It will be an empty string if the alert type is VpaAlertType.ALARM. null if the alert description is currently unknown.

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val reason: String?

The reason for the latest state change of the alert, null if the alert hasn't changed its state yet.

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val state: VpaAlertState

The current state of the alert.

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val time: String?

The scheduled time of the alert, provided in ISO_8601 format, null if currently unknown.

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val type: VpaAlertType?

The type of alert, null if currently unknown.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)