Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.vehiclefunctions.api.service.debugvehicleprofilesettings


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data class DebugElectricEngineParameters(    val auxiliaryPower: Power,     val batteryCapacity: Energy,     val chargingConnectors: Set<VehicleEvChargingConnector>,     val chargingCurve: Set<VehicleEvChargingCurvePoint>,     val chargingTimeOffset: Duration,     val consumptionModel: VehicleEvConsumptionModel,     val isChargingConnectorConnected: Boolean,     val maximumRange: Distance,     val uphillEfficiency: Float,     val downhillEfficiency: Float,     val accelerationEfficiency: Float,     val decelerationEfficiency: Float) : Parcelable

Represents electric engine parameters for development and testing purposes.

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data class DebugVehicleProfile(    val id: String,     val vehicleSpecification: DebugVehicleSpecification,     val electricEngineParameters: DebugElectricEngineParameters?) : Parcelable

Represents a vehicle profile for development and testing purposes.

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interface DebugVehicleProfileSettingsService

A service that provides vehicle profile presets for development and testing purposes.

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data class DebugVehicleSpecification(    val brandName: String,     val modelName: String,     val modelYear: Int,     val driverSeatArea: SeatArea,     val engineType: VehicleEngineType,     val exteriorDimensions: VehicleExteriorDimensions,     val type: VehicleType,     val weight: Weight) : Parcelable

Represents a vehicle physical specification for development and testing purposes.