
fun TestCoroutineScope.advanceTimeByDeprecated(delayTimeMillis: Long)

Advances the testScheduler by delayTimeMillis and runs the tasks up to that moment (inclusive).

Note: This function is intended only to support the transition period while we migrate to kotlinx-coroutines-test 1.6.x. The new API introduced in 1.6.x should be used instead.

fun TestCoroutineDispatcher.advanceTimeByDeprecated(delayTimeMillis: Long): Long

Moves the Dispatcher's virtual clock forward by delayTimeMillis. The amount the clock is progressed may be larger than the requested delayTimeMillis if the code under test uses blocking coroutines. The virtual clock time will advance once for each delay resumed until the next delay exceeds the requested delayTimeMills.

Note: This function is intended only to support the transition period while we migrate to kotlinx-coroutines-test 1.6.x. The new API introduced in 1.6.x should be used instead.