

Hosts all mocked IVI services.

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sealed class IviServiceMockIdentifier<M : AnyIviServiceBase>

Identifies an IVI service mock instance.

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class IviServiceRule(testLifecycleOwner: TestLifecycleOwner, initialIviServiceTestConfiguration: IviServiceTestConfiguration? = null) : ExternalResource

Rule to setup the initialIviServiceTestConfiguration before starting the test.

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abstract class IviServiceTestCase(initialIviServiceTestConfiguration: IviServiceTestConfiguration? = DEFAULT_INITIAL_SERVICE_CONFIG) : IviFunctionalTestCase, IviServiceAwareTestCase

Base class for running tests that require one or more IVI services.

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data class IviServiceTestConfiguration(    val additionalRuntimeDeploymentIds: List<RuntimeDeploymentId> = emptyList(),     val iviServiceMocks: ServiceMocksMap = emptyMap(),     val iviInstanceIds: List<IviInstanceId> = listOf( IviFunctionalTestCase.defaultIviInstanceId ))

Represents the IVI service configuration to use during a test.

abstract class IviWebServiceMockDependentIviServiceTestCase(initialIviServiceTestConfiguration: IviServiceTestConfiguration? = DEFAULT_INITIAL_SERVICE_CONFIG) : IviServiceTestCase

An integration test case which depends on WebserviceMockRule.

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open class TestApplication : IviApplication

A TestApplication designed to allow tests to control the IVI service configuration by extending it and/or by using the IviServiceRule.


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fun TraceEventErrorsListener.Companion.expectServiceFunException(    iviServiceId: IviServiceId,     functionReference: KFunction<*>,     exceptionMessage: String)

Whitelists trace event errors as result of throwing an exception in an IVI service function.