Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.systemui.api.common.frontendcoordinator.panelcoordination.model


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open class DismissablePanelStackData<P : AnyDismissablePanel>(stackedPanels: DismissablePanelList<P>) : PanelStackData<P>

A panel data containing a stack of dismissible Panels of type P. The last (top) one should be presented to the user, while the rest is hidden under the top Panel.

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data class ModalPanelStackData(val stackedPanels: DismissablePanelList<ModalPanel>) : DismissablePanelStackData<ModalPanel>

A panel data containing a stack of ModalPanels. The last (top) one should be presented to the user, while the rest is hidden under the top ModalPanel.

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data class NotificationPanelData(    val numberOfNotificationPanels: Int,     val numberOfSuppressedNotificationPanels: Int,     val activeNotificationPanels: DismissablePanelList<NotificationPanel>)

Information about the NotificationPanels to present to the user.

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open class PanelStackData<out P : AnyPanel>(val stackedPanels: PanelList<P>)

A panel data containing a stack of Panels of type P. The last (top) one should be presented to the user, while the rest is hidden under the top Panel.

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data class TaskPanelStackData(val stackedPanels: DismissablePanelList<TaskPanel>, val taskProcessPanel: TaskProcessPanel?) : DismissablePanelStackData<TaskPanel>

A panel data containing a stack of TaskPanels. The last (top) one should be presented to the user, while the rest is hidden under the top TaskPanel.