
data class RecentCall(    val type: RecentCallsService.CallType,     val displayName: String,     val phoneNumber: PhoneNumber,     val duration: Duration,     val creationTime: Instant) : Parcelable

Describes a recent call made to or from a connected mobile phone.


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fun RecentCall(    type: RecentCallsService.CallType,     displayName: String,     phoneNumber: PhoneNumber,     duration: Duration,     creationTime: Instant)


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val creationTime: Instant

The date and time of the call. If the call was an outgoing call, this is the time the call was placed. If the call was an incoming call, this is the time the call arrived.

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val displayName: String

Display name for the corresponding contact, or empty if unknown.

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val duration: Duration

The duration of the call, set to Duration.ZERO seconds, if unknown.

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val phoneNumber: PhoneNumber

Phone number used with this call. For unknown contact, phone number type is set to PhoneNumberType.Custom with an empty label.

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val type: RecentCallsService.CallType

The type of the call.


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open override fun toString(): String

displayName is masked when the RecentCall is printed.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)