
fun <O : ViewModelStoreOwner, HasDefaultViewModelProviderFactory> initialize(    viewModelStoreOwner: O,     viewModelClass: KClass<VM>,     factoryAvailable: Boolean)

Initialize the delegated view model by either restoring or storing it in the ViewModelStore of the ViewModelStoreOwner.

The view model will be retrieved from the store or, when not found, a new instance of VM will be constructed by calling the factory and then stored.



The type of ViewModelStoreOwner with a HasDefaultViewModelProviderFactory interface.


The owner of the store.


The KClass information of the VM.


If true it indicates the factory will be able to construct a new view model. If false, HasDefaultViewModelProviderFactory.getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory will not be called upon and instead requires the view model to already be stored. This is useful in situations such as those where a fragment has a lateinit var that is populated with information from the view model during recreation.