
interface IviAndroidServiceBinderInterface : IInterface

Generic Binder interface for any IVI service host.

Allows access to the IVI service interface of the service host.


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abstract class Stub(descriptor: String, messageDispatchFailureListener: BinderMessageDispatchFailureListener) : Binder, IviAndroidServiceBinderInterface


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abstract fun acquireGlobalServiceInterfaceBinder(    client: IBinder,     serviceId: IviServiceId,     generationId: IviServiceGenerationId): IBinder

Acquires and returns a binder interface for a global IVI service interface identified by the given serviceId.

abstract fun acquireIviInstanceBoundServiceInterfaceBinder(    client: IBinder,     iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId,     serviceId: IviServiceId,     generationId: IviServiceGenerationId): IBinder

Acquires and returns a binder interface for an IVI instance bound IVI service interface identified by the given iviInstanceId and serviceId.

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abstract fun getPid(): Int

Returns the process ID of Android service.

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abstract fun releaseGlobalServiceInterfaceBinder(    client: IBinder,     serviceId: IviServiceId,     generationId: IviServiceGenerationId)

Releases a previously acquired global IVI service interface identified by the given serviceId.

abstract fun releaseIviInstanceBoundServiceInterfaceBinder(    client: IBinder,     iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId,     serviceId: IviServiceId,     generationId: IviServiceGenerationId)

Releases a previously acquired IVI instance bound IVI service interface identified by the given iviInstanceId and serviceId.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun asBinder(): IBinder


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