
class KillableLifecycleOwner(parentLifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, mainScopeProvider: MainScopeProvider) : LifecycleOwner

LifecycleOwner which is destroyed when it catches a DeadObjectException.

Shadows the parentLifecycleOwner. Use invokeDeathSafe to catch the DeadObjectException and handle it. Use invokeDeathSafeThrow to handle the DeadObjectException and rethrow it.



Called to post the given action on the main thread.


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fun KillableLifecycleOwner(parentLifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, mainScopeProvider: MainScopeProvider)


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open override fun getLifecycle(): Lifecycle
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fun invokeDeathSafe(action: () -> Unit)

Invokes action and destroys the lifecycle owner when it throws a DeadObjectException.

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fun <R> invokeDeathSafeThrow(action: () -> R): R

Invokes action and destroys the lifecycle owner when it throws a DeadObjectException.