
data class ChargingStation(    val id: ChargingStationId,     val locationId: String,     val location: Coordinate,     val operatorName: String?,     val chargingPoints: List<ChargingPoint>) : Parcelable

Charging station is a group of one or more EVSEs (ChargingPoint) that belong together geographically.


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fun ChargingStation(    id: ChargingStationId,     locationId: String,     location: Coordinate,     operatorName: String?,     chargingPoints: List<ChargingPoint>)


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val chargingPoints: List<ChargingPoint>

List of available charging points.

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val id: ChargingStationId

Globally unique charging station ID.

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val location: Coordinate

Coordinate of the charging station location.

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val locationId: String

Uniquely identifier for the location.

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val operatorName: String?

Name of CPO (Charging Point Operator).

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)