
Media source configuration and panel types; this package contains all classes to configure how the content from a media source is displayed, as well as the classes to use to create new panels to realize new user experiences for specific media sources.


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typealias ClickAction = () -> Unit

Type alias for callback invoked when a MediaEntryGroupItem is clicked.

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data class MediaConfiguration

Configures the behavior of the media frontend by providing a PolicyProvider for SourceId.

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class MediaContentView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : RecyclerView

A RecyclerView to display media content.

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class MediaEntryGroupItem(    item: IviMediaItem,     itemState: LiveData<MediaEntryGroupItem.ItemState>,     val type: ListGroupItem.ItemType,     clickAction: ClickAction) : MediaGroupItem

A MediaGroupItem holds the information about an IviMediaItem.

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class MediaFrontendContext(    val frontendContext: FrontendContext,     val panelStack: LiveData<out List<MediaTaskPanel>>,     val mediaConfiguration: MediaConfiguration,     val mediaService: MediaServiceApi,     val panels: MediaFrontendContext.Panels,     val errorCallback: ErrorCallback)

Entry point for Media related panels to communicate with their frontend and the rest of the system. Should be created by the Frontend.

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sealed class MediaGroupItem : ListGroupItem

Base class to hold the information about an IviMediaItem.

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class MediaHeaderGroupItem(val title: String) : MediaGroupItem

A MediaGroupItem that represents a header.

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class MediaPolicyFrontendExtension(    val sourcePackageName: String?,     val sourceClassName: String? = null,     val policyProvider: PolicyProvider) : FrontendExtension

Frontend extension for the media frontend that configures the frontend to use policyProvider when a policy is required for a media source with sourcePackageName. Policies offer a way to customize the user interface for a specific source, like adjusting browse source, login and settings user flows through the UserFlowPolicy.

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abstract class MediaTaskPanel(    val mediaFrontendContext: MediaFrontendContext,     val sourceId: SourceId?,     initialMediaItem: IviMediaItem?) : TaskPanel

Base panel type for media-related Frontends.


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A frontend extension for the media frontend, for sources where no specific MediaPolicyFrontendExtension is configured. For those sources, a PolicyProvider is provided with all default policies.


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fun SourceId.getSettingsIntent(context: Context): Intent?

Gets the settings Activity provided by the media source. Returns null if no settings Activity exists in the media source.