Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.contacts.api.common.debug

Contains the PlatformContactsHelper class to add and remove contacts in Android ContactsProvider using a contentResolver. It also contains the data classes TypedPhoneNumber and TypedCall that will be linked to contacts and recent calls respectively.


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class PlatformContactsHelper(    context: Context,     sourceName: String = ACCOUNT_SOURCE_NAME,     sourceType: String = ACCOUNT_SOURCE_TYPE)

Util class to add and remove contacts in Android ContactsProvider using a contentResolver. Each contact added with it is tagged with the sourceName and the sourceType.

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data class TypedAddress(val address: String, val type: Int)

TypedAddress is a pair value address and a type. type shall be a value from the list provided by Android, see ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal.TYPE_HOME.

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data class TypedCall(val phoneNumber: String, val type: Int)

TypedCall is a pair value phoneNumber and a type. type shall be a value from the list provided by Android, see Calls.INCOMING_TYPE.

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data class TypedPhoneNumber(val phoneNumber: String, val type: Int)

TypedPhoneNumber is a pair value phoneNumber and a type. type shall be a value from the list provided by Android, see ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_HOME.