Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.systemui.api.common.systemuihost


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The base class for a system UI's view model, containing the system UI's state for a specific IVI instance referenced by iviInstanceId. Implementations of this class typically facilitate a specific SystemUiHost, and are intended to be created and owned by that SystemUiHost.

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class SplashScreenCoordinator

A coordinator for the splash screen. The splash screen coordinator can be used to determine whether a splash screen should be dismissed. Once the splash screen should be dismissed, the coordinator will never return that the splash screen should be shown again.

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interface SplashScreenProvider

Provides the splash screen view. It's a view shown on startup that stays on the screen while all the FrontendCreationPolicy.CREATE_FRONTEND_AT_STARTUP frontends are being initialized. The behavior is bound to the SystemUiHost.isReadyToPresentSystemUi property.

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interface SystemUiAnimationTraceEvents : TraceEventListener

An interface for trace events related to animations within the system UI.

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abstract class SystemUiHost(systemUiHostContext: SystemUiHostContext) : OnBackPressedConsumer

A host for the system UI. Implementations of this class are responsible for providing the system UI view and the Frontends within them.

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data class SystemUiHostContext(    val context: Context,     val lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner,     val iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId,     val fragmentManager: FragmentManager,     val viewModelStoreOwner: ViewModelStoreOwner,     val frontendMetadata: Collection<FrontendMetadata>,     val splashScreenProvider: SplashScreenProvider)

Information about the environment that a system UI host runs in and how it should present itself.


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fun getSafeArea(    referenceView: View,     safeAreaView: View,     padding: Int = 0,     animateSafeAreaUpdates: Boolean = false): LiveData<SafeArea?>

Returns a LiveData that contains the SafeArea to apply to referenceView. The SafeArea is calculated based on the size and location of referenceView and safeAreaView within a common parent.