Media source configuration and panel types; this package contains all classes to configure how the content from a media source is displayed, as well as the classes to use to create new panels to realize new user experiences for specific media sources.
Type alias for callback invoked when a MediaEntryGroupItem is clicked.
Configures the behavior of the media frontend by providing a PolicyProvider for SourceId.
A RecyclerView to display media content.
A MediaGroupItem holds the information about an IviMediaItem.
Entry point for Media related panels to communicate with their frontend and the rest of the system. Should be created by the Frontend.
Base class to hold the information about an IviMediaItem.
A MediaGroupItem that represents a header.
Frontend extension for the media frontend that configures the frontend to use policyProvider when a policy is required for a media source with sourcePackageName. Policies offer a way to customize the user interface for a specific source, like adjusting browse source, login and settings user flows through the UserFlowPolicy.
Base panel type for media-related Frontends.
A frontend extension for the media frontend, for sources where no specific MediaPolicyFrontendExtension is configured. For those sources, a PolicyProvider is provided with all default policies.
Combines the collection of MediaPolicyFrontendExtensions into a MediaConfiguration.