
interface VhalPropertyDelegateTraceEventListener : TraceEventListener


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abstract fun onChangeEvent(carPropertyValue: CarPropertyValue<*>, vhalPropertyId: Int)
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abstract fun onErrorEvent(vhalPropertyId: Int, areaId: Int)
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abstract fun onMarkAsUnavailable(vhalPropertyId: Int, areaId: Int)
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abstract fun onMarkAsUnsupported(vhalPropertyId: Int)
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abstract fun onRegisterCallback(    vhalPropertyId: Int,     result: Boolean,     propertyConfig: CarPropertyConfig<Any>)
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abstract fun onUnregisterCallback(vhalPropertyId: Int, propertyConfig: CarPropertyConfig<Any>)
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abstract fun outOfRangeValueCoerced(    propertyIdentifier: String,     value: Comparable<*>,     coercedValue: Comparable<*>,     minimum: Comparable<*>,     maximum: Comparable<*>)

Inherited functions

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open fun d(message: String, e: Throwable?)
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open fun e(message: String, e: Throwable?)
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open fun i(message: String, e: Throwable?)
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open fun incorrectLogSignatureFound()
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open fun v(message: String, e: Throwable?)
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open fun w(message: String, e: Throwable?)