
enum Direction : Enum<InstructionManeuver.Turn.Direction>


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Indicates that the driver should continue going in the same direction.

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Indicates that the driver should keep to the right side of the road. Typically used when a road with multiple lanes splits.

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Indicates that the driver should take a right turn with a slight angle. (<90 degrees.)

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Indicates that the driver should take a right turn with a regular angle. (Roughly 90 degrees.)

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Indicates that the driver should take a right turn with a sharp angle. (>90 degrees.)

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Indicates that the driver should keep to the left side of the road. Typically used when a road with multiple lanes splits.

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Indicates that the driver should take a left turn with a slight angle. (<90 degrees.)

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Indicates that the driver should take a left turn with a regular angle. (Roughly 90 degrees.)

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Indicates that the driver should take a left turn with a sharp angle. (>90 degrees.)

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Indicates that the driver has to make a U-turn. The direction that the driver has to steer in tends to depend on the DrivingSide.

Inherited properties

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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int