
Gradle extension for Automotive UI API key configuration.

Example In a build.gradle.kts file:

androidComponents {
    onVariants() { variant ->
        variant.automotiveUiApiKeyConfig {

The above example configures the API key per build variant.


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abstract fun setApiKey(automotiveUiApiKey: ArgumentValueConfig)

Sets the API key for all the Automotive UI online services.

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abstract fun useNoApiKey()

Uses no API key for all the Automotive UI online services.

Inherited functions

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Sets the API key, as a string constant, for all the Automotive UI online services.

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Uses the TomTom-internal Automotive UI API key for all the Automotive UI online services.

Uses the TomTom-internal Automotive UI API key with Deftpower entitlements for all the Automotive UI online services.