

This API is supposed to only be used internally by IVI and should not be used directly. It may change in the future without providing backward compatibility.

Plugin to configure Deftpower's OpenID authentication process.

Developers external to TomTom should not be using this plugin in their products.

This plugin should only be used for internal TomTom development and testing as it contains values specific to TomTom's Deftpower developer account. Developers external to TomTom should be in direct contact with Deftpower to use their service and should obtain the relevant parameters for their own organization's developer account with the help of their contact at Deftpower.

Plugin ID: com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.deftpower.defaults.internal-config.


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open override fun IviDefaultsExtension.applyDefaults(project: Project)

Inherited functions

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override fun apply(project: Project)