
abstract fun withProcessName(name: String, withDefaultPrefix: Boolean = true, withDefaultSuffix: Boolean = true): IviServiceHostDeploymentConfigurator

Configures the name of the process that should be used to run this service host in. The process name is ignored when the IviServiceConnectionType.DIRECT connection type is used.

By default the service host will be executing in a process that is unique per service host and deployment runtime. By default, the service host runs in a process with the name:


The default value of the name is the service host name without the ServiceHost suffix.

The leading colon (:) means that the service host runs as a private process to the application. See service-element for details.

This function can be used to replace the <name> and to optionally not add the :servicehost. prefix, or not to add the .<runtimedeploymentid> suffix."

Note: Using the same name for multiple hosts will result in running the hosts in the same process.

To run a service host in the main process, use inMainProcess instead. inMainProcess may only be used for integration test projects. To run a service host in the same process as another host, use inSameProcessAs.



If false the default :servicehost. prefix is not added.


If false the default :<runtimedeploymentid> suffix is not added.