
data class IviServiceInterfaceConfig(val serviceName: String, val serviceId: String? = null, val serviceApiModule: ModuleReference, val multipleInstances: Boolean = false, val subPackageName: String? = null) : Serializable

Defines an IVI service interface of an IviServiceHostConfig.

See IviServiceHostConfig for an example.


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fun IviServiceInterfaceConfig(serviceName: String, serviceId: String? = null, serviceApiModule: ModuleReference, multipleInstances: Boolean = false, subPackageName: String? = null)


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object Companion


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Denotes this interface as a multiple instance interface. If this set to true, the service implementation can be started for each IviInstanceIdentifier configured in the IVI application. If false, the service will run as a global instance.

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The module that contains the IVI service interface: the Kotlin interface annotated with the IviService or IviDiscoverableService annotation.

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val serviceId: String? = null

The service ID of the discoverable service when not null.

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The IVI service name.

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val subPackageName: String? = null

Optional sub package. If not null, this value is appended to the ModuleReference.packageName of the serviceApiModule property with a period in between.