
interface RuntimeDeploymentContainer<C : RuntimeDeploymentConfigurator> : NamedDomainObjectContainer<C>

Gradle container for runtime deployments.

Extends the standard NamedDomainObjectContainer with some methods to create the container in a more type safe fashion.



The type of an element in this container, such as RuntimeDeploymentConfigurator.Global or RuntimeDeploymentConfigurator.MultipleInstance.


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Gradle container for global runtime deployments.

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Gradle container for multiple instance runtime deployments.

Inherited properties

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abstract val size: Int


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abstract fun create(runtimeDeploymentIdentifier: RuntimeDeploymentIdentifier): C

Creates a runtime deployment for the given runtimeDeploymentIdentifier.

abstract fun create(runtimeDeploymentIdentifier: RuntimeDeploymentIdentifier, action: Action<C>): C

Creates a runtime deployment for the given runtimeDeploymentIdentifier. The action can be used to configure the runtime deployment through a lambda.

Inherited functions

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abstract override fun add(element: C): Boolean
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abstract override fun addAll(elements: Collection<C>): Boolean
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abstract fun addAllLater(p0: Provider<out MutableIterable<C>>)
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abstract fun addLater(p0: Provider<out C>)
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abstract fun addRule(p0: Rule): Rule
abstract fun addRule(p0: String, p1: Closure<Any>): Rule
abstract fun addRule(p0: String, p1: Action<String>): Rule
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abstract fun all(p0: Closure<Any>)
abstract fun all(p0: Action<in C>)
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abstract fun clear()
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abstract override fun configure(p0: Closure<Any>): NamedDomainObjectContainer<C>
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abstract fun configureEach(p0: Action<in C>)
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abstract operator fun contains(element: C): Boolean
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abstract fun containsAll(elements: Collection<C>): Boolean
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abstract fun create(p0: String): C
abstract fun create(p0: String, p1: Closure<Any>): C
abstract fun create(p0: String, p1: Action<in C>): C
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abstract override fun findAll(p0: Closure<Any>): MutableSet<C>
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abstract fun findByName(p0: String): C?
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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in C>)
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abstract fun getAsMap(): SortedMap<String, C>
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abstract fun getAt(p0: String): C
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abstract fun getByName(p0: String): C
abstract fun getByName(p0: String, p1: Closure<Any>): C
abstract fun getByName(p0: String, p1: Action<in C>): C
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abstract fun getCollectionSchema(): NamedDomainObjectCollectionSchema
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abstract fun getNamer(): Namer<C>
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abstract fun getNames(): SortedSet<String>
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abstract fun getRules(): MutableList<Rule>
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abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract operator override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<C>
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abstract override fun matching(p0: Closure<Any>): NamedDomainObjectSet<C>
abstract override fun matching(p0: Spec<in C>): NamedDomainObjectSet<C>
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abstract fun maybeCreate(p0: String): C
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abstract fun named(p0: String): NamedDomainObjectProvider<C>
abstract fun <S : C> named(p0: String, p1: Class<S>): NamedDomainObjectProvider<S>
abstract fun named(p0: String, p1: Action<in C>): NamedDomainObjectProvider<C>
abstract fun <S : C> named(    p0: String,     p1: Class<S>,     p2: Action<in S>): NamedDomainObjectProvider<S>
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open fun parallelStream(): Stream<C>
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abstract fun register(p0: String): NamedDomainObjectProvider<C>
abstract fun register(p0: String, p1: Action<in C>): NamedDomainObjectProvider<C>
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abstract fun remove(element: C): Boolean
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abstract fun removeAll(elements: Collection<C>): Boolean
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open fun removeIf(p0: Predicate<in C>): Boolean
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abstract fun retainAll(elements: Collection<C>): Boolean
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open override fun spliterator(): Spliterator<C>
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open fun stream(): Stream<C>
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open fun <T : Any> toArray(p0: IntFunction<Array<T>>): Array<T>
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abstract fun whenObjectAdded(p0: Closure<Any>)
abstract fun whenObjectAdded(p0: Action<in C>): Action<in C>
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abstract fun whenObjectRemoved(p0: Closure<Any>)
abstract fun whenObjectRemoved(p0: Action<in C>): Action<in C>
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abstract override fun <S : C> withType(p0: Class<S>): NamedDomainObjectSet<S>
abstract fun <S : C> withType(p0: Class<S>, @DelegatesTo(genericTypeIndex = 0) p1: Closure<Any>): DomainObjectCollection<S>
abstract fun <S : C> withType(p0: Class<S>, p1: Action<in S>): DomainObjectCollection<S>


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