Interface to configure a runtime deployment.
The runtime deployment is identified by a RuntimeDeploymentIdentifier.
The interface allows a fluent interface / method chaining style to configure the deployment.
See RuntimeConfigurator to create a runtime deployment and obtain a RuntimeDeploymentConfigurator instance.
Interface to configure a global runtime deployment.
Interface to configure a multiple instance runtime deployment.
Gradle requires that Container
objects have a name property. This name corresponds to the of the configured RuntimeDeploymentIdentifier.
Returns an IviServiceHostMatcher that matches all configured hosts.
Returns an IviServiceHostMatcher that matches all hosts except the given hosts.
Returns an IviServiceHostMatcher that matches only if all the given matchers match.
Deploys the given host in this runtime deployment and applies the deployment configuration associated to this host.
Deploys the hosts matching the given hostMatcher in this runtime deployment and applies the deployment configuration associated to these hosts.
Deploys the given hosts in this runtime deployment and applies the deployment configuration associated to these hosts.
Deploys the given host in this deployment with the default deployment configuration.
Deploys the hosts matching the given hostMatcher in this deployment with the default deployment configuration.
Deploys the given hosts in this deployment with the default deployment configuration.
Returns an IviServiceHostMatcher that matches all hosts.
Returns an IviServiceHostMatcher that inverts the logic of the given parent matcher.
Returns an IviServiceHostMatcher that matches if at least one of the given matchers matches.
Returns an IviServiceHostMatcher that matches all configured hosts that have the given tag.