Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.gradle.api.defaults.config.testing

This package defines components that can be used, for instance, to configure the defaults required for test projects that need the TestIviActivity; defines the plugin that configures the defaults required for projects that test IVI service implementations; defines the plugin that configures the defaults required for testing of frontend implementation.


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class IviDefaultsConfigActivityTestPlugin : IviDefaultsPlugin

Gradle plugin that configures the defaults required for test projects that need the TestIviActivity. The TestIviActivity is required for tests that require a SystemUiHost. A SystemUiHost is required, for instance, for integration tests that include a frontend.

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class IviDefaultsConfigServiceTestPlugin : IviDefaultsPlugin

Gradle plugin that configures the defaults required for projects that test one or more IVI service implementations at integration test level, and do not require an Android activity.


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val IviPlatform.activityTestGroup: IviDefaultsGroupConfig

Activity test build time configuration group.

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val homePanelMockFrontend: FrontendConfig
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val homePanelMockMenuItem: MenuItemConfig
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val taskPanelActivityViewMockFrontend: FrontendConfig
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val taskPanelActivityViewMockMenuItem: MenuItemConfig
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val taskPanelMaximizedMockFrontend: FrontendConfig
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Task panel maximized mock build time configuration group.

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val taskPanelMaximizedMockMenuItem: MenuItemConfig
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val taskPanelSideBarMockFrontend: FrontendConfig
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Task panel side bar mock build time configuration group.

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val taskPanelSideBarMockMenuItem: MenuItemConfig