
abstract suspend fun callStreamingFunction(methodId: Int, message: ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY, resultCallback: (result: ByteString) -> Unit)

When called by generated service client proxy implementations, it calls the remote streaming method with the specified methodId and the specified message as method call arguments. Multiple results can be returned by calling the specified resultCallback zero or more times. If the remote call cannot be completed or is canceled (e.g. by disconnection) it fails by throwing a CancellationException.

For generated service handler implementations, provided by service stubs, you can call this to cause the streaming method with the specified methodId to be called on the stub object, with the specified message as arguments. It will return zero or more values by calling the specified resultCallback zero or more times. If the streaming remote call cannot be completed or is canceled (e.g. by disconnection or canceling the coroutine scope) it fails by throwing a CancellationException.

A streaming function call will suspend until canceled, during which time it can call resultCallback multiple times.