Package com.tomtom.ivi.sdk.communications.blecommon

This library contains common components used by the server and client side Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity implementation.


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class BleConnectivityProtocolDefinitions

Definitions for the BLE connectivity protocol.

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class BluetoothAvailabilityHelper(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, stateUpdateCallback: (bluetoothAvailable: Boolean) -> Unit)

Helper for getting the state of the bluetooth adapter availability.

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data class CharacteristicId(val value: UUID)

Uniquely identifies a characteristic.

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data class DescriptorId(val value: UUID)

Uniquely identifies a descriptor.

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interface DeviceConnectionId : ServiceConnectionId

Uniquely identifies a connection to a device.

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data class DeviceId(val address: String) : DeviceConnectionId

Uniquely identifies a device.

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class ExclusiveCallbackHelper<T>(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, mutex: Mutex)

Helper for a re-occurring pattern where we need to suspend to wait for a result of an asynchronous call and during this wait no other call is allowed to be made.

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class Packet(    val payload: ByteArray,     var sequenceNumber: UShort,     var acknowledgeSequenceNumber: UShort? = null,     var expirationTime: Instant =

Represents a data packet that carries the specified payload. It has the specified sequenceNumber and optionally acknowledges the specified acknowledgeSequenceNumber to the remote peer. The specified expirationTime indicates when the packet is due for (re)transmission.

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class ReliableDataTransferProtocolHandler(    var maximumTransferUnitSizeInBytes: Int = BleConnectivityProtocolDefinitions.defaultMaximumTransferUnitSizeInBytes,     windowSizeInNumberOfPackets: Int = 8,     coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = MainScope())

Implements a reliable data transfer protocol based on automatic repeat requests (ARQ).

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class ReliableWindowBuffer(    coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,     windowSize: Int = 16,     resendTimeout: Duration = 10.toDuration(DurationUnit.SECONDS),     initialSequenceNumber: UShort = 0.toUShort())

This implements an asynchronous transfer window buffer with automatic repeat request (ARQ) semantics.

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data class SessionId(val data: ByteArray)

Represents a session ID.


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fun UUID.toCharacteristicId(): CharacteristicId

Create a characteristic ID from a UUID.

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fun UUID.toDescriptorId(): DescriptorId

Creates a descriptor ID from a UUID.

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fun String.toDeviceId(): DeviceId

Creates a device ID from a String.

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fun ByteArray.toSessionId(): SessionId