sdk-search / / SearchApi / autocompleteSearch


@DeprecatedSince("2020.07", "autocompleteSearch(AutocompleteSpecification, AutocompleteSuggestionCallback)") abstract fun autocompleteSearch(query: AutocompleteSearchQuery!, listener: AutocompleteSearchResultListener!): Unit

Performs an Autocomplete search action based on the provided query object, and returns the result using the callback implementation.


query - AutocompleteSearchQuery!: The object containing the data necessary to execute an Autocomplete search action.

listener - AutocompleteSearchResultListener!: The callback informing the subscriber when the search result is available.

@PublicPreview("2021.06") abstract fun autocompleteSearch(autocompleteSpecification: AutocompleteSpecification!): Result<AutocompleteSuggestion!>!

Performs a synchronous Autocomplete search computing action based on the provided AutocompleteSpecification object.


autocompleteSpecification - AutocompleteSpecification!: The object which contains the data necessary to execute the Autocomplete search action.

Result<AutocompleteSuggestion!>!: List of PoiCategory.

@PublicPreview("2021.06") abstract fun autocompleteSearch(autocompleteSpecification: AutocompleteSpecification!, callback: AutocompleteSuggestionCallback!): Unit

Performs an asynchronous POI Categories search computing action based on the provided AutocompleteSpecification object and returns the list of categories in the callback.


autocompleteSpecification - AutocompleteSpecification!: The object which contains the data necessary to execute the Autocomplete search action.