sdk-search / / AlongRouteSearchQuery / <init>


AlongRouteSearchQuery(term: String!, route: MutableList<LatLng!>!, maxDetourTime: Int!, limit: Int!, geopoliticalView: String!, evConnectorSet: String!, brandSet: String!, enableDetourOffset: Boolean, sortBy: SortBy!, spreadingMode: SpreadingMode!, categorySet: MutableList<Long!>!, mapCodes: MutableSet<MapCodeType!>!, openingHours: OpeningHoursMode!, timeZone: TimeZoneType!, fuelSet: String!, poiRelationType: PoiRelationType!)

The constructor for an Along Route Search query which allows it to perform a fuzzy search for POIs along a specified route using a list of geo points.


term - String!: The searched term.

route - MutableList<LatLng!>!: The list of geo points on the route. This list needs to contain at least two route points.

maxDetourTime - Int!: This defines the maximum detour time. The max value is 3600 seconds.

limit - Int!: The maximum number of Responses that will be returned.

geopoliticalView - String!: This defines what kind of geopolitical view should be used.

evConnectorSet - String!: This is a comma-separated list of connector types which could be used to restrict the result to Points Of Interest (POI) of type Electric Vehicle Station, supporting specific connector types.

brandSet - String!: A comma-separated list of brand names which could be used to restrict the result to Points Of Interest of specific brands.

enableDetourOffset - Boolean: Indicates whether the "detourOffset" information will be present in the response or not.

sortBy - SortBy!: If non-null, indicates the criteria to sort by the results.

categorySet - MutableList<Long!>!: Restricts the POIs in the Response to those whose id is listed in the categorySet.

mapCodes - MutableSet<MapCodeType!>!: The enum type indicating supported MapCodes.

openingHours - OpeningHoursMode!: The opening hours scope.

timeZone - TimeZoneType!: Used to indicate the mode in which the timeZone object should be returned.

fuelSet - String!: A comma-separated list of fuel types which could be used to restrict the result to Points Of Interest of specific fuels.

poiRelationType - PoiRelationType!: The enum type indicating supported related POIs.