interface IGeometrySearchQuery
An Interface that specifies the parameters of a geometry search query, such as a responses limit or language in which the search results should be returned.
abstract fun withBrandSet(brandSet: String!): IGeometrySearchQuery
A comma-separated list of brand names which could be used to restrict the result to Points Of Interest of specific brands. |
abstract fun withCategorySet(categorySet: MutableList<Long!>!): IGeometrySearchQuery
Restricts the results to the categories of provided POIs. |
abstract fun withEVConnectorSetFilter(evConnectorSet: String!): IGeometrySearchQuery
A comma-separated list of connector types which could be used to restrict the result to Points Of Interest of type Electric Vehicle Station, supporting specific connector types. |
abstract fun withExtendedPostalCodesFor(extendedPostalCodesFor: String!): IGeometrySearchQuery
Indexes for extended postal codes that should be included in the results. Available indexes are: Addr, Geo, PAD, POI, Str, XStr. For example: extendedPostalCodesFor=PAD,Addr,POI Availability is region-dependent. |
abstract fun withFuelSet(fuelSet: String!): IGeometrySearchQuery
A comma-separated list of fuel types which could be used to restrict the result to Points Of Interest of specific fuels. |
abstract fun withIdxSet(idxSet: String!): IGeometrySearchQuery
The "idxSet" parameter allows for fine tuning L2 by specifying which indexes to utilize for the search. Comma-separated, for example: idxSet=POI,PAD,Str,Xstr,Geo,Addr |
abstract fun withLanguage(language: String!): IGeometrySearchQuery
The language in which search results should be returned. It should be one of the supported IETF language tags, case insensitive. When data in the specified language is not available for a specific field, the default langauge is used. |
abstract fun withLimit(limit: Int!): IGeometrySearchQuery
The maximum number of responses that will be returned. |
abstract fun withMapCodes(mapCodes: MutableSet<MapCodeType!>!): IGeometrySearchQuery
Enables the return of mapcodes. |
abstract fun withOpeningHours(openingHours: OpeningHoursMode!): IGeometrySearchQuery
When used includes a list of opening hours for a POI (Points of Interest). |
abstract fun withRelatedPois(poiRelationType: PoiRelationType!): IGeometrySearchQuery
Enables the return of related POIs. |
abstract fun withTimeZone(timeZone: TimeZoneType!): IGeometrySearchQuery
When used includes POIs' time zones. |
abstract fun withTypeAhead(typeahead: Boolean!): IGeometrySearchQuery
If the "typeahead" flag is set, the query will be interpreted as a partial input and the search will enter predictive mode. Default value: false |