@Beta(2020, 12) class Builder
Builder used to create an instance of FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor. Once constructed, the user cannot change the field values.
Builder used to create an instance of FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor. Once constructed, the user cannot change the field values. |
fun brandSet(brandSet: List<String>): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
If this flag is set to true, the query will be interpreted as a partial input and the search will enter predictive mode. |
fun build(): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor
Constructs a new FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor. |
fun category(category: Boolean): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
Determines whether the Category Search is enabled. |
fun categorySet(categorySet: List<Long>): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
Restricts the POIs in the Response to those whose ID is listed. |
fun extendedPostalCodes(extendedPostalCodes: String): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
Indexes for which extended postal codes should be included in the results. |
fun geopoliticalView(geopoliticalView: String): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
Defines what kind of geopolitical view should be used. |
fun idx(idx: String): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
A comma-separated list of indexes which should be utilized for the search. |
fun language(language: String): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
The language in which search results should be returned. Should be one of the supported IETF language tags. See https://developer.tomtom.com/search-api/search-api/supported-languages for more details. |
fun limit(limit: Int): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
The maximum number of search results that will be returned. |
fun maxFuzzyLevel(maxFuzzyLevel: Int): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
The maximum fuzziness level to be used. The default value is 2. The maximum value is 4. |
fun minFuzzyLevel(minFuzzyLevel: Int): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
The minimum fuzziness level to be used. The default value is 1. The maximum value is 4. |
fun offset(offset: Int): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
The starting offset of the returned results within the full result set. |
fun typeAhead(typeAhead: Boolean): FuzzySearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
If this flag is set to true, the query will be interpreted as a partial input and the search will enter predictive mode. |