@Beta(2020, 12) class Builder
Builder used to create an instance of AutocompleteSearchEngineDescriptor. Once constructed, the user cannot change the field values.
Builder used to create an instance of AutocompleteSearchEngineDescriptor. Once constructed, the user cannot change the field values. |
fun build(): AutocompleteSearchEngineDescriptor
Constructs a new AutocompleteSpecification. |
fun limit(limit: Int): AutocompleteSearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
The maximum number of autocomplete suggestions that will be returned. Default value is 5, maximum value is 10. |
fun resultTypes(resultTypes: List<ResultType>): AutocompleteSearchEngineDescriptor.Builder
Restricts the result space based on their segment types (e.g., "category", "brand", or "category,brand"). A result is only included if at least one segment is of any of the indicated types. |