sdk-search / / GeometrySearchQuery / <init>


GeometrySearchQuery(term: String!, geometries: MutableList<Geometry!>!, language: String!, limit: Int!, typeAhead: Boolean!, extendedPostalCodesFor: String!, idxSet: String!, geopoliticalView: String!, mapCodes: MutableSet<MapCodeType!>!, openingHours: OpeningHoursMode!, timeZone: TimeZoneType!)

Creates instance of a geometry search query and initializes proper fields with defined parameters.


term - String!: The searched phrase.

geometries - MutableList<Geometry!>!: The list of Geometry objects that can be either a polygon or circle geometry.

language - String!: The language in which the search results should be returned. It should be one of the supported IETF language tags, case insensitive.

limit - Int!: The maximum limit of Responses that will be returned.

typeAhead - Boolean!: If true, then the query will be interpreted as a partial input, and the search will enter predictive mode.

extendedPostalCodesFor - String!: The indexes for extended postal codes that should be included in the results. Available indexes are: Addr, Geo, PAD, POI, Str, XStr.

idxSet - String!: The indexes to utilize for the search.

geopoliticalView - String!: This defines what kind of geopolitical view should be used.

openingHours - OpeningHoursMode!: The opening hours scope.

mapCodes - MutableSet<MapCodeType!>!: The enum type indicating supported MapCodes.

timeZone - TimeZoneType!: Used to indicate the mode in which the timeZone object should be returned.