sdk-routing / / ChargingMode


@PublicPreview("2021.06") data class ChargingMode : Serializable

Represents information about the charging behavior of the vehicle. Creates an instance of ChargingMode.


chargingConnections - A non-empty list of at most 20 unique chargingConnections which result in the same charging curve.

chargingCurve -

A piecewise-linear function that maps a target charge level to the time it takes to charge an empty battery to this level, and is used to compute charging times of the vehicle.

It is given by a sequence of at most 10 non-duplicate chargingCurveSupportPoints that are totally, increasingly ordered in timeToChargeInSeconds and chargeInkWh.



ChargingMode(chargingConnections: List<ChargingConnection>, chargingCurve: List<ChargingCurveSupportPoint>)

Represents information about the charging behavior of the vehicle. Creates an instance of ChargingMode.



val chargingConnections: List<ChargingConnection>

A non-empty list of at most 20 unique chargingConnections which result in the same charging curve.


val chargingCurve: List<ChargingCurveSupportPoint>

A piecewise-linear function that maps a target charge level to the time it takes to charge an empty battery to this level, and is used to compute charging times of the vehicle.