interface CommonParams<T : CommonParams<CommonParams<*>>!>
An interface used to specify common params when using the Routing service. Used in |
open class CommonParamsBuilder : CommonParams<CommonParamsBuilder!>, PostCommonParams<CommonParamsBuilder!>, SupportsReportParam<CommonParamsBuilder!>, JniNativeHandleOwner
A class used to build commonly used params using native handle to native service. |
abstract class CommonRequestQuery : BaseRequestQuery
A base class that specifies the most common parameters used in a routing query (e.g., route type, departure time, or travel mode). |
interface MatrixCalculateRouteParams<T : MatrixCalculateRouteParams<MatrixCalculateRouteParams<*>>!>
The interface Route query which specifies the API to construct the query to the Routing API. It only contains params accepted by Matrix Routing. |
interface PostCommonParams<T : PostCommonParams<PostCommonParams<*>>!>
An interface used to specify additional parameters that are used during the Routing service. Used in builder |
open class SpeedToConsumptionMap
A speed to fuel/energy consumption map. Units and constraints are defined by the context in which this is used. |
interface SupportsReportParam<T : SupportsReportParam<SupportsReportParam<*>>!>
This interface is only used for routing queries to services which support diagnostic functionality. |