sdk-routing /




interface IReachableRangeQuery

Interface used to specify key parameters for a reachable range query such as an energy and fuel budget. Implemented in the default reachable range query builder ReachableRangeQueryBuilder.


interface ReachableRangeParams : JniNativeHandleOwner

An interface used to specify key parameters for reachable range such as an energy and fuel budget. Extends the native class to access the native object's unique id and native handle. Implemented in the default reachable range params builder ReachableRangeParamsBuilder.


open class ReachableRangeParamsBuilder : ReachableRangeParams

A class used for building parameters of a reachable range query using a native handle from the ReachableRangeParams interface.


open class ReachableRangeQuery : CommonRequestQuery

The default implementation of the ReachableRangeQuery object which is used to prepare the query for the Routing API.


class ReachableRangeQueryBuilder : IReachableRangeQuery

The default builder for {@link ReachableRangeQuery} objects.


open class ReachableRangeResponse : ServiceBaseResponse, Serializable, BatchableRoutingResponse

A class which contains information about the reachable range Response such as format version, result, and report. For access to any of those fields use one of getters.


open class ReachableRangeResult

A class which corresponds to the result of a reachable range Response. This class contains the coordinates of a center point and an array of coordinates that can be reached from a center point.