sdk-routing / / RoutingApi / planReachableRange


@Beta(2020, 12) abstract fun planReachableRange(reachableRangeSpecification: ReachableRangeSpecification): Result<ReachableRangeArea>

Performs a synchronous plan route computing action based on the provided ReachableRangeSpecification object.


reachableRangeSpecification - The object which contains data necessary to execute the plan route computing action.

ReachableRangeArea's Result object.

@Beta(2020, 12) abstract fun planReachableRange(reachableRangeSpecification: ReachableRangeSpecification, reachableAreaCallback: ReachableAreaCallback): Unit

Performs an asynchronous plan route computing action based on the provided ReachableRangeSpecification object and returns the reachable area in the callback.


reachableRangeSpecification - The object which contains data necessary to execute the plan route computing action.