sdk-routing / / PostCommonParams


interface PostCommonParams<T : PostCommonParams<PostCommonParams<*>>!>

An interface used to specify additional parameters that are used during the Routing service. Used in builder CommonParamsBuilder class like the CommonParams interface.



abstract fun withAllowVignettes(allowVignettes: MutableList<String!>!): T

A list of 3-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes of countries in which toll roads with vignettes are allowed. Specifying allowVignettes with some countries X is equivalent to specifying avoidVignette with all countries but X. Using withAllowVignettes with an empty list is the same as avoiding all toll roads with vignettes. It is an error to use both withAvoidVignettes and withAllowVignettes.


abstract fun withAvoidAreas(avoidAreas: MutableList<BoundingBox!>!): T

A list of rectangles that define areas to be avoided during a reachable range calculation.


abstract fun withAvoidVignettes(avoidVignettes: MutableList<String!>!): T

A list of 3-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes of countries in which all toll roads with vignettes are to be avoided. Toll roads with vignettes in countries not on the list are unaffected. It is an error to use both withAvoidVignettes and withAllowVignettes.



open class CommonParamsBuilder : CommonParams<CommonParamsBuilder!>, PostCommonParams<CommonParamsBuilder!>, SupportsReportParam<CommonParamsBuilder!>, JniNativeHandleOwner

A class used to build commonly used params using native handle to native service.