sdk-routing / / Summary / <init>


Summary(lengthInMeters: Int?, travelTime: Int?, trafficDelay: Int?, departureTime: String?, arrivalTime: String?, batteryConsumptionInkWh: Double?, remainingChargeAtArrivalInkWh: Double?)

Represents the summary of a route.


lengthInMeters - The route or leg length in meters.

travelTime - The estimated travel time in seconds.

trafficDelay - The delay in seconds compared to free-flow conditions according to real-time traffic information.

departureTime - The estimated departure time.

arrivalTime - The estimated arrival time.

batteryConsumptionInkWh - The estimated electric energy consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh).

remainingChargeAtArrivalInkWh - The estimated battery charge in kWh upon arrival at the end of the leg or the route.