sdk-routing / / IRouteQuery


interface IRouteQuery

The interface Route query which specifies the API to construct the query for the Routing API.



abstract fun withAccelerationEfficiency(accelerationEfficiency: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the efficiency of converting chemical energy stored in fuel to kinetic energy when the vehicle accelerates (i.e., KineticEnergyGained/ChemicalEnergyConsumed). ChemicalEnergyConsumed is obtained by converting consumed fuel to chemical energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.


abstract fun withAllowVignettes(allowVignettes: MutableList<String!>!): IRouteQuery

A list of 3-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes of countries in which all toll roads with vignettes are allowed.


abstract fun withAlternativeType(alternativeType: AlternativeType!): IRouteQuery

Controls the optimality with respect to the given planning criteria of the calculated alternatives compared to the reference route.


abstract fun withArriveAt(arriveAt: Date!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the desired arrival time for the route to calculation.


abstract fun withAuxiliaryPowerInKW(auxiliaryPowerInkW: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the amount of power consumed for sustaining auxiliary systems, in kilowatts (kW). It can be used to specify consumption due to devices and systems such as AC systems, radio, heating, etc.


abstract fun withAuxiliaryPowerInLitersPerHour(auxiliaryPowerInLitersPerHour: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the amount of fuel consumed for sustaining auxiliary systems of the vehicle, in liters per hour. It can be used to specify consumption due to devices and systems such as AC systems, radio, heating, etc.


abstract fun withAvoidAreas(avoidAreas: MutableList<BoundingBox!>!): IRouteQuery

A list of rectangles that defines areas that are to be avoided during route calculation.


abstract fun withAvoidType(avoidType: Avoid!): IRouteQuery

Specifies what the route calculation should try to avoid when determining the route. Can be specified multiple times.


abstract fun withAvoidVignettes(avoidVignettes: MutableList<String!>!): IRouteQuery

A list of 3-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes of countries in which all toll roads with vignettes are to be avoided.


abstract fun withComputeBestOrder(isComputeBestOrder: Boolean!): IRouteQuery

Specifies if the best order of waypoints should be used to compute route. For example, if the maximum allowed number of waypoints is 50, then it might be reduced to 20 in better order.


abstract fun withComputeTravelTimeFor(computeTravelTimeFor: TravelTimeType!): IRouteQuery

Specifies whether to return additional travel times using different types of traffic information (none, historic, live) as well as the default best-estimate travel time.


abstract fun withConsiderTraffic(isWithTraffic: Boolean!): IRouteQuery

Specifies if it should consider all available traffic information during routing.


abstract fun withConstantSpeedConsumptionInKWhPerHundredKm(speedConsumptionInkWhPairs: SpeedToConsumptionMap!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the speed-dependent component of consumption. Provided as an unordered list of speed/consumption-rate in kWh pairs.


abstract fun withConstantSpeedConsumptionInLitersPerHundredKm(speedToConsumptionMap: SpeedToConsumptionMap!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the speed-dependent component of consumption. Provided as an unordered list of speed/consumption-rate in liters and in pairs.


abstract fun withCurrentChargeInKWh(currentChargeInkWh: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the current electric energy supply in kilowatt hours (kWh).


abstract fun withCurrentFuelInLiters(currentFuelInLiters: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the current supply of fuel in liters.


abstract fun withDecelerationEfficiency(decelerationEfficiency: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the efficiency of converting kinetic energy to saved (not consumed) fuel when the vehicle decelerates (i.e., ChemicalEnergySaved/KineticEnergyLost). ChemicalEnergySaved is obtained by converting saved (not consumed) fuel to energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.


abstract fun withDepartAt(departAt: Date!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the departure time for the route to calculation.


abstract fun withDownhillEfficiency(downhillEfficiency: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the efficiency of converting potential energy to saved (not consumed) fuel when the vehicle loses elevation (i.e., ChemicalEnergySaved/PotentialEnergyLost). ChemicalEnergySaved is obtained by converting saved (not consumed) fuel to energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.


abstract fun withFuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter(fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the amount of chemical energy stored in one liter of fuel in megajoules (MJ). It is used in conjunction with the *Efficiency parameters for conversions between saved or consumed energy and fuel. For example, energy density is 34.2 MJ/l for gasoline, and 35.8 MJ/l for Diesel fuel.


abstract fun withHilliness(hilliness: Hilliness!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the hilliness type for route calculation.


abstract fun withInstructionsType(instructionsType: InstructionsType!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the instructions type for the route calculation.


abstract fun withLanguage(language: String!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the language used for route calculation.


abstract fun withMaxAlternatives(maxAlternatives: Int!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the maximal number of route alternatives to be calculated by the service.


abstract fun withMaxChargeInKWh(maxChargeInkWh: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the maximum electric energy supply in kilowatt hours (kWh) that may be stored in the vehicle's battery.


abstract fun withMinDeviationDistance(minDeviationDistance: Int!): IRouteQuery

All alternative routes returned will follow the reference route from the origin point of the calculateRoute Request for at least this number of meters. This can only be used when reconstructing a route. The minDeviationDistance parameter cannot be used in conjunction with arriveAt.


abstract fun withMinDeviationTime(minDeviationTime: Int!): IRouteQuery

All alternative routes returned will follow the reference route from the origin point of the calculateRoute Request for at least this number of seconds. This can only be used when reconstructing a route. The minDeviationTime parameter cannot be used in conjunction with arriveAt.


abstract fun withReport(report: Report!): IRouteQuery

Specifies if the report should be provided in the route query Response.


abstract fun withRouteRepresentation(routeRepresentation: RouteRepresentation!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the route representation for the route calculation.


abstract fun withRouteType(routeType: RouteType!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the route type for the route calculation.


abstract fun withSectionType(sectionType: SectionType!): IRouteQuery

Specifies which of the section types is reported in the route Response.


abstract fun withSupportingPoints(supportingPoints: MutableList<LatLng!>!): IRouteQuery

A list of base route points to be used as input for route reconstruction.


abstract fun withTravelMode(travelMode: TravelMode!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the travel mode for the route calculation.


abstract fun withUphillEfficiency(uphillEfficiency: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the efficiency of converting chemical energy stored in fuel to potential energy when the vehicle gains elevation (i.e., PotentialEnergyGained/ChemicalEnergyConsumed). ChemicalEnergyConsumed is obtained by converting consumed fuel to chemical energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.


abstract fun withVehicleAxleWeightInKg(vehicleAxleWeight: Int!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle axle weight for route calculation.


abstract fun withVehicleCommercial(isVehicleCommercial: Boolean!): IRouteQuery

Specifies if the vehicle is used for commercial purposes to calculate route.


abstract fun withVehicleEngineType(vehicleEngineType: VehicleEngineType!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle engine type for route query. Possible values are: "combustion", "electric".


abstract fun withVehicleHeading(vehicleHeading: Int!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle heading for route calculation.


abstract fun withVehicleHeightInMeters(vehicleHeight: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle height for route calculation.


abstract fun withVehicleLengthInMeters(vehicleLength: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle length for route calculation.


abstract fun withVehicleLoadType(vehicleLoadType: VehicleLoadType!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle load type for route calculation.


abstract fun withVehicleMaxSpeedInKph(vehicleMaxSpeedInKph: Int!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle max speed for route calculation.


abstract fun withVehicleWeightInKg(vehicleWeight: Int!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle weight in kilograms for route calculation.


abstract fun withVehicleWidthInMeters(vehicleWidth: Double!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the vehicle width for route calculation.


abstract fun withWayPoints(wayPoints: Array<LatLng!>!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the array of map coordinates whose geographical information indicates your waypoints for the route calculation.


abstract fun withWayPointsList(wayPoints: MutableList<LatLng!>!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the array of map coordinate whose geographical information indicates your waypoints for the route calculation.


abstract fun withWayPointsWithAcc(wayPoints: MutableList<LatLngAcc!>!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the array of map coordinate whose geographical information indicates your waypoints with radius for the route calculation.


abstract fun withWindingness(windingness: Windingness!): IRouteQuery

Specifies the windingness type for route calculation.