open class BatchRoutingResponse : ServiceBaseResponse, Batchable
The Response to an Batch Routing Request.
The Response to an Batch Routing Request. |
var responses: Array<BatchableRoutingResponse!>! |
var successfulRequests: Int |
var totalRequests: Int |
open fun getReachableRangeResponses(): MutableList<ReachableRangeResponse!>!
Gets a list of reachable range results of a Batch search query. This list will be empty if there were no requests of this type. |
open fun getRouteRoutingResponses(): MutableList<RouteResponse!>!
Gets a list of Route results of a Batch Routing query. This list will be empty if there were no requests of this type. |
open fun getRoutingResponses(): ImmutableList<BatchableRoutingResponse!>!
Gets a list of results of a Batch Routing query. For each item, use |