interface RouteExtension
Interface for route manipulation with the map.
abstract fun activateProgressAlongRoute(routeId: Long, progressStyle: RouteLayerStyle!): Unit
Activate the progress displaying along the route. NOTE: This method itself will not display anything. |
abstract fun addRoute(routeBuilder: RouteBuilder!): Route!
Display a route and prepare the map to navigate on that route. |
abstract fun bringRouteToFront(routeId: Long): Unit
Bring the specific route to the front. As a result, it will be drawn on top of other routes. |
abstract fun clearRoute(): Unit
Erase route from map. |
abstract fun deactivateProgressAlongRoute(routeId: Long): Unit
Deactivate the progress displaying along the route. |
abstract fun displayRouteOverview(id: Long): Unit
Display route overview using its id. No action when route not found. |
abstract fun displayRoutesOverview(): Unit
Display route overview. All added routes will be visible. |
abstract fun findRouteByID(id: Long): Optional<Route!>!
Find route using its id. |
abstract fun getRoutes(): MutableList<Route!>!
Get list of all routs added to the map. |
abstract fun hideTrafficFromRoute(routeId: Long): Unit
Hide traffic on the route. |
abstract fun removeRoute(id: Long): Unit
Removes the route with a given ID from the map. |
abstract fun showTrafficOnRoute(routeId: Long, trafficStyle: MutableMap<RouteLayerStyle!, MutableList<TrafficData!>!>!): Unit
Draw the traffic on the route. |
abstract fun updateProgressAlongRoute(routeId: Long, location: Location!): Unit
Update the state of progress along the specified route. NOTE: |
abstract fun updateRouteStyle(routeId: Long, routeStyle: RouteStyle!): Unit
Updates the style of the specific route in terms of route's properties like: width, fillColor and outlineColor. |
interface RouteSettings : RouteExtension, TomtomMapCallback.OnMapTapListener, RouteCallbackExtension, Persistable
Advanced settings for routes manipulation. To obtain this interface, call |
interface TomtomMap : RouteExtension, MarkerExtension, MapManipulationExtension, MapInfoExtension, MapCallbacksExtension, MapViewExtension, MarkersCallbackExtension, OverlaysCallbackExtension, RouteCallbackExtension, LocationSourceExtension, OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback, CameraCallbacksExtension
Interface that is the main entry point for all methods related to the map. |