interface UiSettings : UIMapSettings, Persistable
Settings for manipulating map settings related to UI (e.g. styling). To obtain this interface, call TomtomMap#getUiSettings()
abstract fun centerOn(cameraFocusArea: CameraFocusArea!, animationDuration: AnimationDuration!): Unit
Centers the map camera on the area determined by the |
abstract fun getCameraPosition(): CameraPosition!
Get the current camera position of the map |
abstract fun getCompassView(): CompassView!
The CompassView component. It can be used to manage the Compass visibility on the map. Moreover it can be a proxy to obtain the ImageView used by the CompassView. |
abstract fun getCopyrightsView(): CopyrightsView!
The CopyrightsView component. It can be used to manage TomTom copyrights component visible on the map. |
abstract fun getCopyrightsViewAdapter(): CopyrightsViewAdapter!
The CopyrightsViewAdapter object. It can be used to manage the copyrights view component. |
abstract fun getCurrentLocationView(): CurrentLocationView!
The CenterOnCurrentLocationView component. It can be used to manage the CenterOnCurrentLocation button visibility on the map. Moreover it can be a proxy to obtain the ImageView used by the CenterOnCurrentLocationView. |
abstract fun getLogoView(): LogoView!
The LogoView component. It can be used to manage TomTom logo component visible on the map. |
abstract fun
Get information about current map layer settings. |
abstract fun getMapModeType(): MapModeType!
Get the current map mode type. |
abstract fun
Get information about current map tiles settings. |
abstract fun getPanningControlsView(): PanningControlsView!
The PanningControlsView component. It can be used to manage the PanningControlsView component visibility on the map. Moreover it can be a proxy to obtain the ArrowButtonsGroup view used by the PanningControlsView. |
abstract fun getZoomingControlsView(): ZoomingControlsView!
The ZoomingControlsView component. It can be used to manage the ZoomingControlsView component visibility on the map. Moreover it can be a proxy to obtain the ZoomButtonsGroup view used by the ZoomingControlsView. |
abstract fun getZoomLevel(): Double
Get current zoom level. |
abstract fun is2D(): Boolean
True the map is in 2D Mode, otherwise false. |
abstract fun isMyLocationEnabled(): Boolean
Verify whether location is enabled or not. Use |
abstract fun setCameraPosition(cameraPosition: CameraPosition!): Unit
Sets the map camera position. Using that, you can center the map on a specified position, zoom to a certain zoom, and rotate the map. |
abstract fun setCopyrightsViewAdapter(adapter: CopyrightsViewAdapter!): Unit
Set CopyrightsViewAdapter to manage the copyrights view component. |
abstract fun
Set map layers. Default value is set to |
abstract fun setMapModeType(mapModeType: MapModeType!): Unit
Set map mode to 2D or 2.5D. Default value is set to |
abstract fun
Set map tiles to RASTER or VECTOR. Default value is set to |
abstract fun loadDefaultStyle(): Unit
Loads the style with the default URL based on |
abstract fun onViewStateRestored(savedState: MapState!): Unit
Called internally to restore state, e.g., when the app is resumed from the background. |
abstract fun onViewStateSave(outState: MapState!): Unit
Called internally to save state, e.g., when the app is going to the background. |
abstract fun setStyleJson(styleJson: String!): Unit
Sets the JSON content of the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously. NOTE: This is an asynchronous operation. The user of this API needs to ensure that no methods of the StyleSettings interface are called before the style is reloaded. TomtomMapCallback.OnMapChangedListener.onDidFinishLoadingStyle is called when reloading the style is finished. An OnMapChangedListener can be registered using TomTomMap.addOnMapChangedListener. abstract fun setStyleJson(styleJson: String!, layerSetConfiguration: LayerSetConfiguration!): Unit
Sets the JSON content of the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously with the custom |
abstract fun setStyleUrl(styleUrl: String!): Unit
Sets the URL to the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously. NOTE: This is an asynchronous operation. The user of this API needs to ensure that no methods of the StyleSettings interface are called before the style is reloaded. TomtomMapCallback.OnMapChangedListener.onDidFinishLoadingStyle is called when reloading the style is finished. An OnMapChangedListener can be registered using TomTomMap.addOnMapChangedListener. abstract fun setStyleUrl(styleUrl: String!, layerSetConfiguration: LayerSetConfiguration!): Unit
Sets the URL to the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously with a custom |