sdk-maps / / GesturesConfiguration


data class GesturesConfiguration : Serializable

A class containing gestures settings such as zoom settings or panning settings.


rotationEnabled - Specifies if the rotation gestures are enabled.

zoomEnabled - Specifies if the zooming gestures are enabled.

panningEnabled - Specifies if the panning gestures are enabled.

minZoom - Specifies the minimal zoom level which can be set for the map view port.

maxZoom - Specifies the maximum zoom level which can be set for the map view port.

forceMinMaxZoom - Specifies if the max and min zoom levels are used without any adjustments and restrictions.

tiltEnabled - Specifies if the tilt gestures are enabled.

maxBounds - Specifies the maximum bounds which can be set for the map view port.

enableEventsIntercepting - Specifies whether map events should be always propagated. By default, only the top-rendered feature event is triggered. For instance, when a user clicks on the marker, the map click event is not propagated.



class Builder

Builder used to create an instance of GesturesConfiguration. Once constructed, the user cannot change the field values.



val enableEventsIntercepting: Boolean

Specifies whether map events should be always propagated. By default, only the top-rendered feature event is triggered. For instance, when a user clicks on the marker, the map click event is not propagated.


val forceMinMaxZoom: Boolean

Specifies if the max and min zoom levels are used without any adjustments and restrictions.


val maxBounds: BoundingBox?

Specifies the maximum bounds which can be set for the map view port.


val maxZoom: Double

Specifies the maximum zoom level which can be set for the map view port.


val minZoom: Double

Specifies the minimal zoom level which can be set for the map view port.


val panningEnabled: Boolean

Specifies if the panning gestures are enabled.


val rotationEnabled: Boolean

Specifies if the rotation gestures are enabled.


val tiltEnabled: Boolean

Specifies if the tilt gestures are enabled.


val zoomEnabled: Boolean

Specifies if the zooming gestures are enabled.