sdk-maps / / FormattedTextSection / formatSection


@Beta(2020, 12) static fun formatSection(@NonNull text: String, @Nullable fontScale: Double?, @Nullable fontStack: MutableList<String!>?, @Nullable textColor: Int?): FormattedTextSection!

Creates a FormattedTextSection containing provided text, formatted according to provided fontScale, fontStack and textColor.


text - String: The text to display.

fontScale - Double?: The scaling factor for the size of text, relative to text size specified by the TextSettings.

fontStack - MutableList<String!>?: The fonts to use to display text. Overrides font settings from the TextSettings.

textColor - Int?: The text color. Overrides font settings from the TextSettings.

FormattedTextSection!: FormattedSection containing provided text, formatted according to provided fontScale, fontStack and textColor.