interface MapManipulationExtension
This interface defines map operations that allow to apply map manipulation operations, e.g. center map on given location or zoom to a specific level.
abstract fun
Center map on given coordinates/ abstract fun
Center map on given coordinates and with given zoom level. When zoom level is out of range, the minimum zoom level will be set. Zoom levels are in range [0, 20] abstract fun
Center map on given latitude and longitude. Latitude and longitude is set in degrees minutes seconds format. abstract fun
Center map on given latitude and longitude with a given zoom level. When zoom level is out of range, the minimum zoom level will be set. Zoom levels are in range [0, 20], where 0 is the whole world and 20 is the highest zoom level. Latitude and longitude is set in degrees minutes seconds format. abstract fun
Center map on given latitude and longitude with a given zoom level and yaw angle (map rotation). When zoom level is out of range, the minimum zoom level will be set. Zoom levels are in range [0, 20], where 0 is the whole world and 20 is the highest zoom level. Yaw angle is in range [0, 360], where 0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, and 270 is west. Latitude and longitude is set in degrees minutes seconds format. abstract fun centerOn(cameraPosition: CameraPosition): Unit
Center map on using given camera position options. The required parameters for camera position are latitude and longitude (set in degrees minutes seconds format). Zoom, bearing and pitch are not mandatory, will be used once they are set. abstract fun centerOn(cameraFocusArea: CameraFocusArea): Unit
Centers a map on the area determined by the abstract fun centerOn(cameraFocusArea: CameraFocusArea, animationDuration: AnimationDuration!): Unit
Centers a map on the area determined by the |
abstract fun centerOnMyLocation(): Unit
Center map on current location. The current location is obtained using |
abstract fun centerOnMyLocationWithNorthUp(): Unit
Center map on current location and set map orientation to north. No action is executed when last location is null. |
abstract fun
Center map on given latitude and longitude with default zoom level {@value MapConstants#DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL}. Latitude and longitude is set in degrees minutes seconds format. |
abstract fun getCurrentBounds(): BoundingBox!
Gets the current region bounds. |
abstract fun getZoomLevel(): Double
getZoomLevel. |
abstract fun getZoomLevelForBounds(topLeft: LatLng, bottomRight: LatLng): Double
Gets zoom for the minimum region which contains both coordinates. |
abstract fun
Sets current region as the minimum region which contains both coordinates. abstract fun setCurrentBounds(coordinates: MutableList<LatLng!>): Unit
Sets current region as the minimum region which contains the provided coordinates. |
abstract fun setPadding(top: Double, left: Double, bottom: Double, right: Double): Unit
Sets padding for the map in pixels. Changing map padding does not have an immediate effect on the map. It will be applied with the next map operation. abstract fun setPadding(mapPadding: MapPadding!): Unit
Sets padding for the map in pixels using |
abstract fun zoomIn(): Unit
Zoom map by one level |
abstract fun zoomOut(): Unit
Zoom out by one level |
abstract fun zoomTo(zoomLevel: Double): Unit
Zoom the map to a requested level. Zoom levels are in the range of [0, 20]. 0 is the whole world. 20 is the highest zoom level. |
interface TomtomMap : RouteExtension, MarkerExtension, MapManipulationExtension, MapInfoExtension, MapCallbacksExtension, MapViewExtension, MarkersCallbackExtension, OverlaysCallbackExtension, RouteCallbackExtension, LocationSourceExtension, OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback
Interface that is the main entry point for all methods related to the map. |